Risk Factors for Testicular Cancer

This April is Testicular Cancer Awareness Month, and while there is no known way to prevent testicular cancer, there are important risk factors to be aware of. While some factors are beyond our control, like a family history of the disease, others such as smoking and diet can be adjusted to help reduce risk.

Risk factors for testicular cancer include:

An undescended testicle:

    • Men whose testicles have not fully descended are at higher risk of developing testicular cancer. Regular self-exams are crucial in detecting cancer early.
  • Family history:
    • If someone in your family has had testicular cancer or Klinefelter's syndrome, your risk of developing the disease increases.
  • HIV infection:          
    • Men infected with HIV or AIDS, are at an increased risk of developing testicular cancer. 
  • Having had testicular cancer before:
    • If you have had testicular cancer before, you are at a greater risk of recurrence.  
  • Being of a certain race/ethnicity:
    • The risk of testicular cancer among White men is about 4 to 5 times that of Black and Asian American men.

Regular self-checks can help in detecting any changes in the testicles, while discussing your risk factors with your doctor can help in staying ahead of testicular cancer. Schedule an appointment today on our website or call (717) 334-4033.

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